Question 1:
Taking the case of Mauritius, in the machinery of government, the Procurement Policy Officer is the central organ of the Government that regulates the procurement system and acts as an Oversight Body. State the objectives, functions and powers of the Procurement Policy Office.
Question 2:
The Public Procurement Act 2006 provides for the basic principles and procedures to be applied in and regulates the public procurement of goods, public works, consultant services, and other services.
Explain how the Public Procurement Act 2006 has brought about radical changes in procurement in the public sector.
Question 3:
Under the Public Procurement Act 2006, unsatisfied bidders and suppliers have the right to challenge and make an appeal for review against the decision of a public body to award a procurement contract. In certain circumstances, this may cause delay in the procurement.
Critically assess the effectiveness of challenge and appeal mechanisms in the current procurement system.