Question 1: Explain why the team effort is so important in the building of core competencies and capabilities within an organization.
Question 2: What are some of the key factors a firm should consider when deciding whether or not to outsource functions?
Question 3: What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented in Kraft Foods' business portfolio?
Question 4: What is your assessment of the competitive strength of Kraft Foods' different business units?
The discussions will be graded for the following two criteria:
1. Frequency-Number and regularity of your discussion comments. Students are expected to log into the course and post (respond) in the discussion topics on a minimum of three separate days per week in each graded discussion, beginning no later than Wednesday.
2. Quality-Content of your contributions. Examples of quality posts include:
- Providing additional information to the discussion
- Elaborating on previous comments from others
- Presenting explanations of concepts or methods to help fellow students
- Presenting reasons for or against a topic in a persuasive fashion
- Sharing your own personal experiences that relate to the topic
- Providing a URL and explanation for an area you researched on the Internet
Full credit is awarded when both high quality and required frequency is met.