Question 1:
During the past few decades, women's representation in a wide range of occupations has increased in Mauritius but discrimination on the basis of gender is still a matter of concern in the labour market as women and men do not progress at the same rate in quite a large number of occupations.
How far do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and provide examples to illustrate your understanding.
Question 2:
Trade unions will play either defensive or more transformative roles. Show the roles of trade unions in regulating workplace relations.
Question 3:
Durkheim labeled modern society as ‘organic and traditional society as mechanical'.
(a) Differentiate between the two kinds of societies.
(b) Discuss Durkheim's concept of anomie in relation to work.
Question 4:
Provide an account of the changing nature of work in Mauritius since early 1970s.
Question 5:
(i) Describe unemployment and describe two types of unemployment.
(ii) Show the effects of unemployment on the individual and on the family.