
question 1carefully read attached cover expose


Carefully read attached cover expose and answer questions which follow-

(a) "Unless leaders have thought through how they will retain respectful relationships as they simultaneously involve action and change, they may find themselves in an us- versus- them situation". Give Statement on this sentence.

(b) Critically analyse why it is important for school leaders to scan the external environment.

(c) "Leaders today are necessary to be both good administrators and good instructional leaders who focus fixedly on teaching and learning"

How far do you have the same opinion with this statement?


(a) Below which model of functioning would you classify the school you are working in? Validate your answer.

(b) Elaborate on leadership style being currently practiced in the school you are working in and critically analyse to what extent it are well-matched with model of functioning as explained above.


A series of traits have been related to managerial efficiency and eventually these have proved to be useful in practice of leadership as well.Significantly analyse these traits and explain how they can be applied to practice of leadership in schools.


"Successful learning on part of students, quality teaching, and school organization conducive to successful learning and teaching are all intrinsic elements of helpful schooling."

With special reference to linkage between learning and leadership, analyse the significant connections that leaders need to pay notice to.


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Business Management: question 1carefully read attached cover expose
Reference No:- TGS0445122

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