
question 1ai define the term combustionii explain


a) (i) Define the term Combustion

(ii) Explain clearly, using a suitable sketch, the components and conditions required for combustion to be maintained and how can these be controlled

(b) State FOUR types of ignition sources that may cause a fire to occur, giving a typical workplace example of each type

(c) Explain clearly the phenomena of Flashover

(d) Identify and explain clearly, using examples, FOUR methods by which heat is transferred in the event of a fire

(e) State 5 (Five) conditions for gas and dust explosion to occur


a) What are the measures that can be taken to minimise the risk of fire from electrical equipment?

(b) Outline 8(Eight) major causes of kitchen fire

(c) Explain why water should not be used as an extinguishing agent on fires involving-

  • Electrical equipment
  • Petroleum spirit

(d) Differentiate between Thermoplastic and Thermosetting

(e) On a fire escape route, state where should portable fire extinguisher be sited


(a) What is meant by the term Automatic Fire Detection?

(b) Outline the types of fire alarm and state the factors that need to be considered in the selection a fire alarm system for a workplace

(c) Identify and explain the principles of four types of evacuation procedure

(d) Outline measures that could be considered to ensure that disabled persons can be evacuated safely from the building


(a) Describe the typical content of a fire safety training session for the employees

(b) (i) State the purpose of a fire log book

(ii) What are the information that may be contained in a fire log book

(c) Outline the purpose of conducting fire drills


(a) What are the appropriate design features of a separate outdoor building used to store more than 50 litres of a flammable liquid in drums?

(b) Describe the practical factors that should be taken into account when considering minimising the potential environmental impact of a fire at a major chemical plant

(c) Outline 5(Five) features of a fire resisting door set

(d) Explain ways to minimize the risk of an arson attack

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Reference No:- TGS0443767

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