
question 1abriefly discuss the following


(a) Briefly discuss the following Maintenance practices and list some of the techniques used to implement these practices in the work environment

(i) Predictive Maintenance

(ii) Proactive Maintenance

(b) The Bath-Tub curve is an important tool for understanding the reliability of engineering components in many different applications. It is viewed as a hazard function that describes the variation of failure rate of components during their life time. Explain the phases of the Bath-Tub curve.


(a) Many companies often experience difficulties with quality control, production levels, and schedule adherence due to their equipment not being properly maintained. Organizations are moving towards and adopting Total Productive Maintenance practices in order to maximize their maintenance effectiveness, productivity and equipment uptime.
Critically discuss the eight pillars of Total productive Maintenance.

(b) Failures can be grouped in the following three categories namely Induced, Intermittent and Wear Out. In practice, engineers and specialists argue that it is crucial to understand the nature of such happenings before assigning maintenance tasks. Briefly elaborate on the three categories using examples to support your answer.


(a) Many organizations consider the maintenance function as a critical operational and decision making area that can guarantee plant availability and reliability. A Cost Effective Maintenance program ensures longer plant life span as well as promotes safe working environment for all stakeholders.
Discuss the key stages in the setting up a maintenance program in an organization.

(b) Reports from industry reveal that the preparation of equipment for maintenance involves risks and are major causes of serious accidents due to the release of harmful substances. Sometimes procedures are not clear while at other times procedures are ignored. Briefly elaborate on the different steps the maintenance team must undertake regarding preparation of equipment for maintenance including the use of permits-to-work document.

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Reference No:- TGS0443986

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