Question 1:
(a) What do you meant by of the term ‘safety'?
(b) Dsecribe clearly the meaning of industrial accidents.
(c) Explain the elements which should be taken into consideration when investigating into an industrial accident and their importance.
Question 2:
(a) Economically, legally, and morally, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) has become an important issue.
How far do you agree with this statement?
(b) List common kinds of industrial accidents in Mauritius.
(c) List the several ergonomic risk factors that might affect employees.
Question 3:
(a) What is understand by ‘workplace violence' and list the three forms of violence?
(b) Explain the different risk factors associated with ‘workplace violence'.
(c) Explain the prevention strategies to be adopted concerning the three risk standpoints that cause violence.