
question 1a using appropriate examples


(a) Using appropriate examples, distinguish between the two major kinds of resources

(b) Discuss four approaches to natural resources management

(c) Give an outline of two new tools for resource management

(d) Explain in detail the steps in risk assessment


Using an appropriate local coastal site as an example, illustrate the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) process that you would propose to be adopted. Outline the process in terms of the major phases and steps, including their respective tasks, tools, outcomes and products


(a) Discuss four major factors that contribute to water shortages occurring throughout the world

(b) State the approach needed for meeting water demands and propose seven ways by which we can meet our needs for clean freshwater

(c) Discuss five major drawbacks of big dams


(a) Explain in detail the main types of causes of conflicts between coastal uses, together with their main possible impacts

(b) Discuss how a holistic view of conflicts between coastal uses may be set up?


(a) Explain in detail the different aspects of policy integration

(b) Discuss the dimensions of integration that need to be addressed as part of an ICZM process

(c) Discuss the caveats on policy integration


Discuss the ecological goals, objectives, indicators and parameters that potentially can be used for ICZM

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Reference No:- TGS0444751

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