Question 1:
"A revolutionary change is occurring in the theory and practice of public administration. The approach known as New Public Management is seen by many as the new paradigm that is replacing the classic bureaucratic or Weberian paradigm of public administration."
What is New Public Management?
Differentiate between Traditional Public Administration and New Public Management
Question 2:
"The general rationale for decentralisation is based on assumptions that good governments are those which are closer to people."
Question 3:
(i) What are the features of "entrepreneurial governments"?
(ii) What difference do you make between "steering" and "rowing"?
Question 4:
"The public sector is the field in which public activity takes place and the private sector is the field in which private activity takes place. Management of public organizations differ from management of private organizations in important aspects."
Do you agree? Substantiate your answer.
Question 5:
By referring to the key areas of UK public sector reform, elaborate on the main components of New Public Management?
Discuss the New Zealand model of New Public Management?