Question 1:
(a) Mark Cook is renowned for his "Classic Trio". Explain clearly.
(b) The interview method of selection is often criticised by authors, yet it is the most popular one among employees. Explain this apparent contradiction.
Question 2:
(a) Explain clearly what you understand by the term
(i) Training and (ii) Development
(b) How would you go about making a training needs analysis?
(c) Company accounts show training as an expense. Explain in what ways it is a strategic investment initiative.
Question 3:
(a) Define motivation. What are its essential characteristics?
(b) Differentiate between Need/Content theories and process theories.
(c) Explain clearly Herzberg's two factor theory.
(d) Despite all the efforts of Management to motivate employees by non-monetary factors, money remains the prime motivational factor. How far do you agree?