Question 1:
(a) How is HRD at the organisational level different from HRD at the national level?
(b) Why is a needs assessment an important component of any cost effective HRD process?
(c) Explain the level Kirkpatrick model of evaluating training.
(d) What are the weaknesses of the model?
Question 2:
(a) What are the qualities of useful program objectives?
(b) ‘Developing a lesson plan' is not the single most important step in the design and implementation phase of an HRD process. Explain
Question 3:
(a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of exporting in a globalised environment?
(b) There is no doubt that HRD has evolved tremendously with the advent of globalisation. Explain pre and post globalisation scenario.
Question 4:
(a) How can cultural diversity be managed effectively in an organization?
(b) What factors have led to the emergence of international organisations?