
question 1a evaluation of the duration and degree


(a) Evaluation of the duration and degree of disability after an occupational accident with a single body injury.

(b) (i) When is the Balthazard Formula used for evaluation?

(ii) Use the formula to calculate total disability for a worker with degrees of incapacity of 50%, 20% and 5% respectively.

(iii) Analyse the result obtained

(c) (i) Give the Gabrielli Formula and explain the meaning of the different terms of the formula

(ii) State when and why it is used.


(a) What do you understand by the term Worker Compensation?

(b) Historical background to the passage of the first Worker's Compensation Laws

(c) Worker compensation is a legal system. Comment.

(d) What are the medico legal roadblocks which explain why fewer cases for occupational illnesses are filed?


(a) Show the difference between the terms impairment, disability and handicap.

(b) By means of examples, show the different types of handicap that a worker may experience.

(c) Explain in detail how an assessment for disability of the respiratory system is carried out.


(a) (i) Describe the different levels of prevention of disabilities

(ii) Show the main difference between the different levels of prevention

(b) Explain what you understand by "rehabilitation" and state to which levels of prevention it is associated

(c) (i) What is "social rehabilitation"?

(ii) How is it different from medical and vocational rehabilitation?

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