
question 1a distinguish between renewable and


(a) Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable natural resources

(b) Compare and contrast four approaches to natural resources management

(c) Evaluate the different renewable-energy strategies for achieving sustainability


One way of looking at the value of the coast is to consider the range of ecosystems services it provides. Using relevant examples and flow diagram, examine the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment that distinguishes four such services linked to human well-being


Suppose you are hired as a consultant to advise the relevant Ministry to develop an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plan for a particular coastal zone in a tropical Island like Mauritius. Using an appropriate local coastal site as example, illustrate the ICZM process you would propose in terms of the major phases and steps, including the tasks, tools, outcomes and products to the Ministry


(a) Explain in detail the multiple dimensions of integration in ICZM

(b) Propose four possible institutional approaches to achieve the necessary integration in ICZM at the national level

(c) Using appropriate examples, discuss the main purposes of a coordination mechanism in ICZM


Analyse the South Africa's principles for coastal management and the strategic principles for a Pan-European code of conduct for coastal zones and propose a set of guiding principles for coastal zone management in Mauritius


Using the commonly employed seven steps in the socio-economic monitoring process, propose how you would go about setting-up a socio-monitoring process for a particular coastal site in Mauritius

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