
question 1a describe clearly what you understand


a) Describe clearly what you understand by Gender Inequality

b) Discuss the reasons for Gender Inequality in today's world

c) Explain clearly six theoretical underpinnings of Gender Inequality


Ann Oakley (1974) outlines how socialization in modern industrial societies shapes the behavior of girls and boys from an early age

a) Explain clearly the four main determinants that Oakley (1974) put forward for gender roles and socialization

b) Discuss the criticism made by John Archer and Barbara Lloyd (2002) on Oakley's approach


a) Explain the difference between rapport talk and report talk in terms of gender communication

b) Often men and women use different processes for decision making and leadership. Discuss five common ways in which men and women differ


(a) Although advertising tries to convince you to buy a product or accept a message, advertising also shapes your attitudes about gender. Describe the six codes and conventions that advertising often uses in the portrayal of men and women

(b) Discuss the impact of mass media on gender roles

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Science: question 1a describe clearly what you understand
Reference No:- TGS0444677

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