Question 1:
(a) Define the term "Human Resource Planning"
(b) What are its main features?
(c) Explain its importance to an organization.
Question 2:
(a) What do you understand by the concept of "Job Analysis".
(b) What are its benefits to an organization?
Question 3:
(a) Explain fully the term "Potential Appraisal".
(b) What are the steps involved in the setting up a good potential appraisal system?
Question 4:
(a) Define the concept of "Employees Orientation/Induction"
(b) What are its main objectives?
(c) What are the key elements that should constitute such a programme?
Question 5:
Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following:
(a) Work Study Techniques
(b) Human resource Accounting
(c) "Performance Counseling" process