question 1a define the following under the

Question 1:

(a) Define the following under the Fisheries and Marine Act 2007
(i) Basket trap;
(ii) Fish product;
(iii) Canard net;
(iv) Gear;
(v) Fishing.

(b) What should the master of a foreign fishing vessel/boat or his agent do before entering a Mauritian Port?

Question 2:

(a) Define ‘Maritime Zones' as per the Maritime Zones Act 2005.

(b) Give the definition of ‘fishery control officer' as per the Fisheries and Marine Act 2007.

(c) List five duties and responsibilities of fisheries control officers.

(d) Give two reasons which led to the setting up of the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea (UNCLOS)

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Science: question 1a define the following under the
Reference No:- TGS0363020

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