
question 1 tony bush 2003 proposed five models of


Tony Bush (2003) proposed five models of Educational Management, namely Collegial, Political, Subjective, Ambiguity, and Cultural Models. Critically examine all of them and say which one you find appropriate for and relevant to Mauritian schools.


Following a study which Henry Mintzberg (1973) carried out; he stated that Heads of schools or Educators have ten managerial roles. These are- Figure Head, Leader' Liaison, Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson, Entrepreneur, Disturbance Handler, ResourceAllocator and Negotiator. Examine their significance and relevance to Heads of Schools/Educators.


Handy C B (1985) developed four models - Club/Power, Role, Task and Person - of organizational culture based on differences in system of communication, value system and locus of control. Essentially analyse how these models are a reality in Mauritian Secondary Schools.


In this module ‘Leadership in Educational Institutions', dissimilar leadership skills have been discussed. Write critically on any four of them and illustrate how they can assist Heads of Schools/Educators in becoming efficient leaders/managers.


‘Studies on School development and School Effectiveness lay much stress upon the quality of the Head at the helm of the association for real and lasting change to happen' (Harris Alma et al,1996). How would you, as Heads of Schools/Educators, improve your schools with a view to making them more effective?


The managerial achievement for implementing change at school level depends on the Heads of Schools/Educators' ability to manage conflict. examine the four conflict strategies - Avoidance, Diffusion, Containment and Confrontation - and the five conflict management styles, namely: Competing, Collaborating, Compromise, Accommodating and Avoiding, which Heads of Schools/Educators would use to control disagreement for effective change to happen.

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Management Theories: question 1 tony bush 2003 proposed five models of
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