Question 1: The figure below has claimed drag coefficients for some simple 3D shapes at Re~104-106. Run Fluent simulations for shapes 1 a sphere, 3, a half sphere with the cut-plane facing downstream, 8 a hemisphere with the cut plane facing upstream, a cube angled 450, 6 a cone with half-angle 300, and 11 a cube with a face perpendicular to the incoming flow at Reynolds number of 500,000. What do your simulations derive the drag coefficients to be? Explain any discrepancies as best as you can.

Question 2: Run a 3D simulation of a rectangular wing with aspect ratio 5 and a NACA0012 airfoil shape at Re=1.5e6 based on the chord length and Ma=0.12. Find Cd and Cl values for the airfoil at angles of attack of 00, 30, and 80. For the 80 case, plot the pressure coefficient along the upper and lower surface of the wing at mid-span. What happens to the drag and lift coefficients when the aspect ratio is increased to 10 (at 80).