Question 1 of 11 the central components of academic voice

Each student writes with a unique academic voice. 

  • True
  • False

Which sentence is not written in academic voice?

  • Nowadays parents have lots of choices for their children's healthcare. Parents should consider overall cost when selecting a healthcare plan for their children.
  • Most states participate in insurance marketplaces, which provide healthcare options for children and families.
  • Despite the options, some parents do not enroll their children in medical insurance plans.

Time Remaining:

Question 1 of 11 The central components of academic voice include:

  • avoiding casual language
  • declarative statements
  • authoritative voice

all of the aboveThird person is the appropriate perspective for academic writing.

  • True
  • False

1. Personal writing can be written in first person and contain personal opinions.

  • True
  • False

2. The type of language that you use in a specific setting is called a _________.

  • voice
  • tone
  • register

3. none of the above"You should consider the financial burden placed upon many working college students." This statement is written in:

  • First-person perspective
  • Second-person perspective

4. Third-person perspective"This is why I believe that college students should receive living expense stipends annually." This statement is written in:

  • First-person perspective
  • Second-person perspective

5. Third-person perspectiveThe conclusion should contain a hook.

  • True
  • False

6. A topic sentence contains a topic and a controlling idea.

  • True
  • False

7. You should explain the provided information before beginning a new paragraph.

  • True
  • False

8. A research-based academic argument should be written in:

  • First-person perspective
  • Second-person perspective

9. Third-person perspectiveAn introduction tells readers what to expect from your essay.

  • True
  • False

10. A conclusion tells readers what to expect from your essay.

  • True
  • False

11. Your thesis statement belongs in the ______.

  • body paragraph
  • conclusion
  • introduction
  • none of the above

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