Question 1: How might a leader's role and responsibility change as a company becomes more diverse? Explain.
Question 2: Why do you think the glass ceiling persists in organizations?
Question 3: Why is it important for today's leaders to develop cultural intelligence? Do you think a leader who has never had experience with people different from him or herself can develop the ability to smoothly adapt to culturally different ways of thinking and behaving? Discuss.
Question 4: How might diversity within the organization ultimately lead to better problem solving and greater creativity?
Question 5: Do you agree that politics is a natural and healthy part of organizational life? Discuss.
Question 6: Describe ways in which you might increase your personal power.
Question 7 What is the difference between mission and vision? Give an example of a mission and vision statement for you.
Question 8: Strategic vision and strategic action are both needed for a leader to be effective. Which do you think you are better at doing? Why?