Question 1: Explain the terms "technique" and "tool" and then describe some of the techniques and tools that you used in order to accomplish those assignments.
Question 2: There are literally thousands of system development methodologies in the Information Systems field. Suggest some reasons why there might be so many.
Question 3: When dealing with a client as a consultant it is important that both the client and consultant have appropriate expectations and understandings. Inappropriate expectations and understandings can lead to a great deal of frustration and possibly a poor outcome. Here are some typical client situations:
- The client has little idea of what they need.
- The client thinks they understand the problem (but doesn't). The client understands their problem but doesn't understand the available options.
- The client understands the problem and options and is looking for the bestdeal/solution.
Here are some roles that the consultant can adopt:
I am an expert ("Ask me any technical question and I can answer it").
I am here to sell ("I've got some really good deals"). •
I am a doctor ("Tell me your problem and I'll recommend something for you").
Match different client situations and consultant roles and suggest some potential problems or frustrations. (Try putting it into a concrete situation e.g. someone wanting to buy a new sound system for their home.)
Edgar Schein (reference below) suggests that a consultant should start with an open mind and be prepared to adopt the role most appropriate at the time. His approach
is probably best summarized as helper: "I am here to help you with your problem. What can I do for you?" Note, however, that Schein's attitude is that the problem belongs to the client and the consultant should not allow the client to "offload" the problem to them.