Question 1: Explain the common methods to evaluate (or analyse) the bearing capacity of single piled foundation.
Question 2: What are the typical methods to examine the integrity of the piled?
Question 3: A 60 cm diameter concrete is driven into a ground (soil profile shown in Figure 1) to depth of 20m. The soil stratification consists of 5m of clay underlain by a layer of dense sand. Ground water level is at the ground surface. The soil is saturated. Make necessary assumptions.
(a) Determine the allowable pile capacity (Qa) for Factor of Safety (FS) = 2.
(b) Check if the pile satisfies Eurocode 7 (Design Action and Resistance)
(c) The pile to support applied loads Gk = 1200 kN and Qk = 200 kN
a. Given 2 pile load tests were carried out
b. Measured total resistance, Rc,m for each test pile was 4000 kN
c. Measured base resistance, Rb,m for each test pile was 600 kN