Question 1 Enlist the seven natural principles of the body according to Unani system
Question 2 List and explain the types of treatments (chikitsas) of Ayurveda. Classify the treatment of disease in Ayurveda
Question 3 Write details of Botanical source, common name, part of plant used, chemical constituents and uses for the following drugs
- Arnica
- Quinine
- Reserpine
- Senna
- Strychnine
Question 4 What is the role of FDA with respect to Biologics, Cosmetics, Drugs, Foods, Medical devices, radiation - emitting electronic products, Veterinary products and pesticides?
Question 5 Describe the purpose and contents of the monograph. Explain briefly the uses of the monograph
Question 6 Write a brief note on NCCAM with its purpose