
Question 1 describe the company background and the

Problem Solving

(PS 3)

Application- Discover the HR problems faced by the company/organization.


Less than half of the HR problems discovered are relevant

Half of the HR problems discovered are relevant

Three quarter of the HR problems discovered are relevant

Whole of the HR problems discovered are relevant

Information Technology

(IT 2)

Comprehension- Use of Technology in communication and presentation of the information and report.


Uses technology with limited appropriateness and effectiveness in communicating and presentation of the  information and report

Uses technology with moderate appropriateness and effectiveness in communicating and presentation of the  information and report

Uses technology with considerable appropriateness and effectiveness in communicating and presentation of the  information and report

Uses technology with high degree of appropriateness in communicating and presentation of the  information and report

Information Technology

(IT 6)

Evaluation - Use of Technology in summarizing, relating and presentation of the project.

Uses technology with limited appropriateness and effectiveness in summarizing, relating and presentation of the project.

Uses technology with moderate appropriateness and effectiveness in summarizing, relating and presentation of the project.

Uses technology with considerable appropriateness and effectiveness in summarizing, relating and presentation of the project.

Uses technology with high degree of appropriateness in summarizing, relating and presentation of the project.

Communication (CS 1)

Knowledge - Ability to handle questions

Demonstratesaverage ability to handle questions

Demonstrates good ability to handle questions.

Demonstrates very good ability to handle questions.

Demonstrates excellent ability to handle questions.


Select an organization and conduct the following:

Question 1: Describe the Company background and the structure of the Human Resource department.

Question 2: Identify and discus the different Human Resource functions carried out in this organization.

Question 3: Discover the HR problems faced by the company/organization?

Question 4: Prepare a presentation of the same and present it.

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HR Management: Question 1 describe the company background and the
Reference No:- TGS0973495

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