Question 1: Before the "second wave" of the feminist movement in the 1970s, which of the following was impossible for women?
- Legalized abortion in New York:
- Access to the birth control pill
- Obtaining credit without a husband's signature
- Voting in a national election
- Getting a divorce
Question 2: From its earliest moments, the feminist movement has been polarized. Feminists have always had different ideas about how to go about achieving equality in society.
Question 3: Gender is only one of the characterics, and not always the most important one, that disadvantages women. Categories such as _______ (just pick one) often:
- overshadow
- interact with gender.
Question 4: Anne Quindlen suggests that for women the world has changed quite dramatically since she published the Feminine Mystique over 40 years ago.
Question 5: Authors Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards give several examples of social conditions which might still exist had the feminist movement not ever existed. Which examples do they include in the reading "A Day Withouth Feminism" that describe life in the early 1970s for women?:
- Abortion would be illegal (except in New York or Chicago)
- Childcare centers are virtually unheard of, since it is assumed that women should not work outside of the home so they can care for their children
- Married women can't obtain credit without her husband's permission
- Single women could be refused service in a restaurant or bar
- All of the above are examples in their reading