Question- Part 1) For each of the following complexes, give the electronic configuration of the d - orbitals (e.g. t 2 g^ 3 eg ^1 ), indicate whether the complex is high - spin or low - spin, and give the number of unpaired electrons:
a) [Fe (H 2 O) 6 ] +2
b) [Ni( 2 O) 6 ] +2
c) [Fe(CN) 6 ] - 4
d) W(CO) 6
Part 2) The drug Nipride, Na 2 [Fe(CN) 5 NO], is an inorganic complex which is used as a source of NO to lower blood pressure during surgery.
a) Provide a systematic name for the complex Na 2 [Fe(CN) 5 NO]. Note: The NO ligand in this complex is neutral and it named ‘nitrosyl'.
b) The [Fe (CN) 5 NO] - 2 complex is red - violet in color (ruby red), while the similar complex [Fe(CN) 6 ] - 3 is red - orange in color (bright red). The CN - ligand is a strong - field ligand. By comparison, the NO ligand is (circle one): i) Much weaker ii) slightly weaker iii) Slightly stronger iv) much stronger
In brief describe your selection using the language of crystal field theory.