
Question- calculate the enthalpy change for each reaction

Question- Calculate the enthalpy change for each reaction in kj/mol. Assume the calorimeter has a heat capacity of 0 and that each solution has the same weight and heat capacity of water.

A) 50mL of NaOH reacted with 50mL of ammonium Chloride. The initial temperature was 23.1C and the final temperature was 24.0C.

B) 50mL of HCl reacted with 50mL aqueous ammonia. The temperature rose 11.1C.

C) 50mL NaOH reacted with 50mLNoHCL and the temperature rose 13C.

D) Using your values for enthalpy change calculate how well they it Hess's Law. The accepted value of molar entropy for threaten is 52.2 j/mol. H+ (aq)+NH3(aq)------>NH4+ (aq)

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Chemistry: Question- calculate the enthalpy change for each reaction
Reference No:- TGS0948836

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