
Question- attach properly annotated spectra if assigned

Question- Attach properly annotated spectra if assigned. Include a table with your observations on the solubility in water, acid, and base of the norleucine, caproic acid, and hexylamine.

Answer the subsequent questions

Q1- Define zwitterionic. Explain your solubility results based on this concept.

Q2- Starting with a racemic mixture of 2-bromohexanoic acid, one expects a racemic mixture of norleucine. If one started with (S)-2-bromohexanoic acid, would be the final product be R or S or racemic?

Q3- Explain why you are asked to perform the solubility tests at different pHs.

Q4- Would you expect the reaction to proceed faster or slower if a solvent less polar than water were used? Explain.

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Chemistry: Question- attach properly annotated spectra if assigned
Reference No:- TGS0949046

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