
Quantity of leachate

1. If the landfill had a compacted density of 600 Kg/m3 a refuse  depth of 9 m (29.5 ft), a moisture content of 20% by volume, and a 1-m  (3.25-ft)-thick clay cover with a 2% slope, estimate:

(a) The quantity of leachate that would be generated each year.
(b) How long it would be before each year's deposit of refuse is saturated and leach ate flows from that section? Use rainfall and evapo-transpiration values appropriate for your area.

2. The solid wastes from a summer camp with 100 children and a staff of 25 are to be collected once per week. If bottles and cans (representing 20% of the weight) are removed, paper wastes (40%) are burned in the camp incinerator and only the wastes from the kitchen (30%) and miscellaneous wastes from the cabins (10%) are collected, what volume will be picked up?

3. The composition of solid waste from a residential community is as follows:

2004_redidensial community.jpg

a) The moisture content
b) The Density
c) The energy content of this waste based on typical values for the components (Tables 14-3, 14-4, and 14.5)

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Other Engineering: Quantity of leachate
Reference No:- TGS0843

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