
Quantitative-qualitative dimensions-human resource planning

Question1) What is the importance of Human Resource Information at macro and micro level? How is ‘Computer Based Human Resource Information System’ beneficial for the organisation?   

Question2) Describe concept and linkage between Job Analysis and Job Description. Identify the structure and uses of job description.            

Question3) Write a detailed note on Human Resource Audit emphasising on its purpose, scope and process.

Question4) Explain Manpower Forecasting? Describe different techniques of Manpower Forecasting.           

Question5) What do you understand by the term Job Evaluation? Describe the objectives and trigger points of Job Evaluation?               

Question6) What are the purpose of Human Resource Accounting? Describe the different methods of monitory and non-monitory valuation of human resources.                                                               

Question7) Describe the concept of Integrated Human Resource Development Systems. Also describe principles to be followed while designing these systems.                      

Question8) Describe the importance and function of HRD in service sector. What role does HRD plays specifically for tourism sector?                                                                              

Question9) Describe concept and need of Human Resource Planning. What is the significance of Human Resource Planning in Tourism sector?                                                                        

Question10) Explain Quantitative and Qualitative Dimensions of Human Resource Planning?

Question11) What do you mean by Manpower Supply? Describe the methods of manpower supply forecasting at a macro level.                       

Question12)  Write brief notes in about 200 words each:                     

a) Activity Analysis   

b) Various form of HRD Organisation

c) Human Resource Costs.

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HR Management: Quantitative-qualitative dimensions-human resource planning
Reference No:- TGS02524

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