
quantitative analysis for decision making class-

Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making class-

Question 1:-Search the Internet and the articles database in the library for a real-life example of multiple regression. For a hint, type the words "Regression" followed by a topic of interest to you. Carefully review the search item. Prepare a word summary with highlights of the review item and your own comments.

Question 2:- Multiple regression analysis is based on the assumptions of linearity and normality. Thus, the multiple regression analysis is limited to the fact that it will only ascertain relationships without necessary providing the causal mechanism for the given relationship. Multiple regression deals with several independent variables at the same time, making it more difficult to fit the straight line to all of the data points. what are some of the applications that you have used multiple regression analysis in real life applications (school, work, research, etc)? Write a summary with highlights of the review item and your own comments.

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Operation Management: quantitative analysis for decision making class-
Reference No:- TGS0443607

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