quality control in flexible pavementsthe quality

Quality Control in Flexible Pavements:

The quality control needed for Flexible Pavements covers the following tests :

(a) Density and Moisture content of sub-grade.

(b) Strength, shape, stripping tests for aggregates.

(c) Strict control over temperature of bitumen, mix.

(d) Amount of binder sprayed in prime coat, tack coat and surface dressing.

(e) Quantity of aggregates spread in surface dressing.

(f)  Density and thickness of bituminous macadam, dense bituminous macadam, bituminous concrete and semi dense bituminous carpet.

(g) Marshall Stability values of BC, DBM and SDBC. (h)    Profile and longitudinal levels.

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Civil Engineering: quality control in flexible pavementsthe quality
Reference No:- TGS0181465

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