
Qualitative which means a detailed explanation of specific

Here is the research! CDC, WHO, AHRQ, MEDLINE etc use various and similar health research methodologies. For instance, CDC usesfocus groups in projects where a group dynamic assists to promote or foster a discussion of the research topic as well they use it also in addition with cognitive interviews in order to develop specific probes (). Others used by CDC includes Observational and Quantitative Research (CDC, 2017). However, others like CMS, WHO, AHRQ, MEDLINE etc share similar use which includes Empirical and Theoretical research method which are mostly a method for health research as Empirical method is based upon observation and experience more than upon theory and abstraction (WHO, 2001). For instance, this can be a systematic collection of observations on the health related phenomena of interest in a given populations. While theoretical method is based on abstraction and theory because without mathematical models, advances in understanding of the causes, effects and i occurrence of illnesses cannot be made without a comparing the theoretical constructs with which a defined population can be observed (WHO, 2001). Empirical and theoretical research complement with one another in establishing an understanding of the phenomena, making estimate or predicting future occurrences, and in the mitigating or reducing harmful events to the general welfare of the population of interest (WHO, 2001). Empirical research in the health can also be Qualitative which means a detailed explanation of specific conditions using interviews, observations, document review or Quantitative in nature. However, health science research deals more with information of a Quantitative nature which involves identification of the population of interest, the characteristics (variables) of the individuals (units) in the population, and the study of the variability of these characteristics among the individuals in the population (WHO, 2001) . Hence, the quantitative method in empirical research is accomplished by measuring of variables, estimation of population parameters and statistical testing of hypotheses, or estimating the extent to which 'chance' alone may account for the variation among the individuals or groups under observation (WHO, 2001). Other methods include basic research which involves a search for knowledge without a defined goal of use or specific purpose and applied research which is problem related and is aimed towards the solving an existing problem (WHO, 2001). As well as Biomedical research which mainly focus on processes at the cellular level; issues in the environment surrounding man, which promote changes at the cellular level; and behavioral research deals with the interaction of man and the environment in a manner reflecting the beliefs, attitudes and practices of the individual in society (WHO, 2001).

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Dissertation: Qualitative which means a detailed explanation of specific
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