
Qualitative research on employee retention

Research on Employee turnover

Create the 2-3-page section of your outline that incorporates your quantitative research. (Note that in some outlines, quantitative research may appear in more than one section - check your outline!) Whatever approach your outline takes, this is the part of your research report that covers numbers, data, facts, statistics, reporting-from academic-journals, questionnaires, surveys, experiments, and any other methods that collect measurable data, especially as found in academic journals.

You must include the following information:

• Your chosen method(s) and resources for your quantitative research

• Your hypothesis

• Basic information (type of experiment, description of data collected, etc.)

• Your interpretations of the data

• How this research supports your thesis statement

• If you refer to library resources, such as journals, books, etc. please include a tentative list of references in proper APA format. (If you do this as you go along, it will be much easier for you to make your Annotated Bibliography and your final References Page in the later stages of your project.)

Qualitative Research on Employee Retention

One of the most critical issues facing organizations today is how to retain the

Employees they want to keep. There are more than 1,000 published research articles on turnover and retention. Employees leave organizations for all sorts of reasons. Some find a different job, some go back to school, and some follow a spouse who has been transferred out of town. Others retire, get angry about something and quit on impulse, or never intended to keep working after earning a certain amount of money. Still others get fired or laid off, or they come into money (a lottery win, an inheritance) and decide they no longer need a job. All of these examples represent turnover, but they don't all have the same organizational implications. (Allen, 2014)

To manage voluntary turnover in an organization, one need an in-depth understanding of why employees leave or stay with organizations to begin with, as well as strategies for managing turnover amongst valued workers in your company. There is a big distinction between functional and dysfunctional voluntary turnover. Dysfunctional turnover is harmful to the organization and can take numerous forms, including the exit of high performers and employees with hard-to-replace skills, departures of women or minority group members that erode the diversity of your company's workforce, and turnover rates that lead to high replacement costs. By contrast, functional turnover does not hurt an organization. Examples of this type of turnover include the exit of poor performers or employees whose talents are easy to replace. (Allen, 2014)

If you organization is losing good workers and you're not sure why, the problem may lie with your organizations management style. However, small changes can be made that can incite huge differences when it comes to employee retention. It's tough when good employees leave: Productivity sinks, morale suffers and colleagues struggle with an increased workload until you find a replacement. On top of that, recruitment and search costs, training and on-boarding new hires can make for a difficult and expensive transition. The best solution, of course, is keep your workers happy so they don't want to leave. But before you can implement a plan to increase employee retention, you need to determine why valuable employees are leaving.

"Most people don't quit their jobs, they quit their managers," says Wendy Duarte, vice president of recruiting at recruiting, hiring, and consulting firm Mondo. (CIO,2013)

While that insight might be hard to swallow, understanding that your organization's management philosophy could be part of the problem is the first step to improving retention, she says. "When you lose your top talent, the first place to look is at management," Duarte says. "Managing teams as a whole is hard. You have to manage to each individual, and invest time into discovering what each member of a team needs both at work and outside of work to do their job to the best of their ability," she says. (CIO,2013)

While it may sound inconsequential, simply listening to employees' concerns and doing what you can to address those -- or at least explaining why they can't be addressed at the present time -- can go a long way toward keeping the best and brightest, she says. Having a strong set of corporate values, a mission statement and specific goals for the company, departments, teams and individuals, can help direct employees' energy and help them see how their individual contributions are part of a greater whole. (CIO, 2013)

There are many different ways in which an employer can reward a positive and productive employee. These ways can be a means for reducing overall employee turnover. Of course we all are aware of monetary rewards. Monetary awards are just that...money. Some people are motivated by money or would simply prefer to be rewarded with a cash bonus for a job well done. This isn't a bad thing. Money may not be the answer for rewarding all educators, but as I have said in previous posts, I do believe it should be considered as part of the discussion around strategies for how best to recruit, develop, reward, and retain highly effective staff.

Like a child being given a chocolate cupcake and a big hug after cleaning her room, rewards and recognition can be powerful tools for employee motivation and performance improvement. Many types of rewards and recognition have direct costs associated with them, such as cash bonuses and stock awards, and a wide variety of company-paid perks, like car allowances, paid parking, and gift certificates. Other types of rewards and recognition may be less tangible, but still very effective. These "non-monetary" rewards include formal and informal acknowledgement, assignment of more enjoyable job duties, opportunities for training, and an increased role in decision-making. This paper focuses on non-monetary rewards, and as we will see, these types of rewards can be very meaningful to employees and so, very motivating for performance improvement.

Allen, D. G. (2014). Retaining Talent. SHRM Foundation's effective practice guidelines series.

Florentine, S. (2013, October 30). Why Good Employees Leave (And How You Can Keep Them). Retrieved from https://www.cio.com/article/2381311/careers-staffing/why-good-employees-leave--and-how-you-can-keep-them-.html

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