Qualitative Primary Data Collection:
This part of the assignment requires you to plan and execute some exploratory primary research. This will investigate some of the following:
• the attitudes of current De Montfort students in the age range 19-30 to managing weight at university
• current student behaviour around diet, exercise, how they view weight and food intake
• student perceptions of their own weight and that of family members or friends
• how and why some students may experience weight issues or problems when they come to study at a university and are away from home for the first time.
• Current awareness of health risks associated with weight gain
For the primary research, there are two parts to the assignment.
will be a brief research design. In this, you are expected to demonstrate knowledge of research design, to be able to explain the research process logically and to illustrate a relevant research plan. You need to develop an interview schedule and explain you proposed data collection. The word limit for Section 2 is 900 words approximately (this excludes References and Appendices)
will be a write up of your findings from the interview data, with a discussion section that links your findings to prior research and a short conclusion. However, each report should include:
o Short Executive Summary (No more than 100 words);
o Title Page;
o List of Contents;
o Main Findings;
o Discussion/Conclusion (no more than 300 words);
o References and Appendices.