Topic: Assignment Qualitative data collection and analysis:
Order Description:
Collect qualitative data on a topic of your choosing by carrying out a substantial (45-60 minute) interview with a single subject. Transcribe the interview, code the transcript and analyse the data. Write a report that presents your research design, your findings and relates your findings to published research in this area. 1500 words
Your report should cover:
A brief overview of literature (theoretical and empirical) in your area; your research question; your rationale for the design of your research (your choice of subject; your approach to the interview, your questions; your coding schema); your findings – your knowledge claims about this area; reflection on what you learnt – what you now know about the process and the what you consider to be the value of qualitative research. Appendix: The coded transcript (this can be submitted on the paper copy only, if you code by hand).
Individual assignment, 1500 words