
Qualitative data analysis-use a thematic analysis

Topic: Qualitative Data Analysis-use a thematic analysis to analyze data and produce a 4-page write-up on the results and discussion of this analysis. In this assignment you will be analyzing four interviews that you find on the question “What is the future of television?”



For this assignment you are required to use a thematic analysis to analyze data and produce a 4-page write-up on the results and discussion of this analysis. In this assignment you will be analyzing four interviews that you find on the question “What is the future of television?” Normally, you would be required to interview the participants, but due to the logistics and time constraints you will use archival interview data.

Step 1: Data Collection:

For this study using the principle of sampling for heterogeneity, you can use the following four interviews by key/prominent informants.

1. Reid Hastings from Netflix


2. Gerd Leonhard (futurist; interviewed by BBC)

3. Brian Roberts (CEO of ComCast)


4. Jean-Pierre Blais (CRTC chair)


Step 2 Data Analysis:

Having completed your data collection you will then analyze each interview to identify and define the key themes. In the theme definition process you may identify a number of themes, however, you need to continue to sort and re-sort them until you have no more than different eight themes. You can have positive and negative sub-categories for them as well, where appropriate. You will then code/count the number of occurrences of each of theme in the interviews. If you find that you only have a few occurrences (fewer than 3) in a theme, you will need to revise your themes. You should also provide examples of each theme/sub-theme in the definition table (see Table 1 for an example).

Table 1: Example of table of themes

Theme  Definition  Examples

Theme 1: Impact of Internet on television industry

Positive: The Internet becoming the preferred method of accessing television content.

Negative: The Internet is having a negative impact on the television industry or broadcasters.

“The Internet is allowing broadcasters to offer more services tailored to individual consumers.”

“If broadcasters cannot figure out how to embrace Internet delivery, they will ultimately fail.”

Finally, you must carry out a reliability analysis which can be by consensus with one of your peers in the course. If you would like to use a statistical reliability measure, use either a correlation coefficient or the Intraclass correlation statistic in SPSS. If you use NVivo you can use the Kappa statistic. You must ensure that you have agreement on your theme definitions and on the data coding. Use about 20% of the data to carry out your reliability analysis.

To accomplish this assignment effectively you must work through each article and identify all the main themes, code/count occurrences with in each article of the themes, and carry out a reliability analysis. Be systematic about your analysis and document your empirical observations. You may use tables or if you are adventurous you can try some qualitative analysis software such as NVivo or:



Step 3 Report your findings and answer the research question

Write a carefully argued 4-page report of your findings on the question: “What is the future of television?” based on the thematic analysis carried out. In this report you will need:

1) A brief introduction that motivates why you are answering this question (other than because it is an assignment);

2) A methodology section explaining how you went about answering this question including your table of definitions and examples, and the results of your reliability analysis;

3) A results section reporting the frequencies of occurrences of each theme (you can use a histogram to show this) and a brief analysis of which theme has the largest count and which is lowest; and

4) A discussion on what these results mean, why you ended up with the results you did, and an answer to the research question. Support your arguments with example quotes (properly cited) from the video materials.

You will need to provide a properly formatted reference list at the end of the report.

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Reference No:- TGS01436233

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