Qualitative Data Analysis Assignment
In this Project you will execute and discuss a Qualitative Data Coding Process as you code and summarize your classmates' responses to the virtual interview.
Utilize the data in sent attachment (coding directions sent as well)
Explain what being a doctoral student means for you. How has your life changed since starting your doctoral journey?
Describing a Qualitative Data Coding Process, code and summarize your classmates' responses to the virtual interview question posed in the earlier Unit 2 Discussion Board 2: Capturing Qualitative Data Virtually.
To create the transcript for analysis, copy and paste each of your classmates' responses into a Word document.
Provide the results of your coding process, using a diagram to present your findings. Your diagram could be in a matrix format (table) or a concept chart (node network). Refer to your assigned readings on diagramming or other resources explaining how to graphically display qualitative findings.
Your submitted report should include the following:
• Description of your coding process
• Topical coding scheme (list of topics; code book)
• Diagram of findings (topics and themes)
• Brief narrative summary of findings referring to your graphic diagram
• Appendix with coded transcripts in one of the following formats:
o A Word document showing color-coded codes
o A Word document using the comments function to indicate codes
o An output file from qualitative software
• 4 Pages APA format. Please check your email for directions and attachments.