
Qualitative and quantitative data methods are very

Qualitative and quantitative data methods are very different. Mixed method is the use of using qualitative and quantitative methods together.

Quantitative methods are used to test hypothesis and make predictions using measure amounts and describes an event using figures which examines numbers and bias is removed. Qualitative methods describe the kind and quality of a subject while interpreting and attempting to understand an event.

This method focuses on a few or a single person and can lead to bias. Researchers believe in health care, both methods should be used in research.

Advantages of using both include:

Using both qualitative and quantitative data gives a bigger picture and understanding about the study.

The findings are grounded.

Using both methods will help the research have a larger population to work with. If only doing qualitative method the bias can occur.

Disadvantages of using both include:

Using both methods relies on a bigger team of researchers and the use of qualitative experts.

Requires more resources with a mixed study and may need more time to do the research study.

Careful planning needs to be made with a mixed study.

Doing a mixed method is challenging to do.

With this being said mixed methods research is valuable and it provides to improve student learning about different research studies.


Borkan, J. M. (2004). Mixed Methods Studies: A Foundation for Primary Care Research. Annals of Family Medicine, 2(1), 4-6. doi: 10.1370/afm.111

Zhang, W. & Watanabe-Galloway, S. (2014). Prevention Science 15, 654-662. doi:10.1007/s11121-013-0415-5

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