Tutorial 5 Miscellaneous Problems
QI The circuit diagram of an active linear filter is shown in Figure Ql. (a) Derive an expression for the transfer filmiest of the filter. (b) Hence find an expression for the frequency response of the filter.
(c) Determine the values of the circuit components such that the filter become a high-pass with break frequencies on Bode plots being to, .50 rails and az =100 racks and low frequency gain is to be at zero dB. (Hint: sketch Bode plot first.) (d) Based on the values of the circuit components obtained in pan (c) simplify the transfer function of the filter.
(e) Hence obtain an expression for the unit step response of the filter. (0 If input to the system is: y, ()= cos (75 find an exoression for the sinusoidal steady-state output of the filter.