Qestion 1 members of can solve problems with a positive

Question 1: Members of __________ can solve problems with a positive combination of functional expertise and integrative or total systems thinking.

  • cross-functional teams
  • self-directed teams
  • cross-departmental teams
  • virtual teams
  • statutory teams

Question 2: When teams accomplish more than the total of their individual members' capabilities, __________ occurs.

  • exchange
  • association
  • synergy
  • harmony
  • union

Question 3: Groups that form spontaneously through personal relationships or special interests, and not by any specific organizational endorsement, are called __________.

  • informal groups
  • virtual groups
  • temporary groups
  • interim groups
  • ad hoc groups

Question 4: Members of teams that __________ must have good long-term working relationships with one another, solid operating systems, and the external support needed to achieve effectiveness over a sustained period of time.

  • plan things
  • reengineer things
  • recommend things
  • make or do things
  • review things

Question 5: The __________ is another name for the functional silos problem.

  • individual unit problem.
  • serviceable group problem
  • functional chimney problem
  • hyper-focused team problem
  • exclusive over-assemblage problem

Question 6: __________ refers to a person's relative rank, prestige, and standing in a group.

  • Condition
  • Standing
  • Fullness
  • Status
  • Prominence

Question 7: Tasks that are routine and easily subdivided lend themselves to:

  • hierarchical communication networks.
  • parallel communication networks.
  • decentralized communication networks.
  • restricted communication networks.
  • centralized communication networks

Question 8: _________-role conflict occurs when a person's values and needs come into conflict with role expectations.

  • Intrasender
  • Intersender
  • Person
  • Inter
  • Outer

Question 9: __________is a "logically perfect" group decision making method because all team members agree totally on a course of action.

  • Consensus
  • Unanimity
  • Majority rule
  • Minority rule
  • Lack of response

Question 10: __________ occurs when too much is expected and the individual feels overwhelmed with work.

  • Role conflict
  • Role indifference
  • Role encumberment
  • Role overload
  • Role frustration

Question 11: When workspace architecture is studied as an influence on communication behavior, this is part of:

  • cohesiveness.
  • proxemics.
  • virtual communication networks.
  • team building.
  • relationships.

Question 12: Decision by __________ is often done by providing a suggestion and then forcing quick agreement by challenging the group with such statements as "Does anyone object?...No? Well, let's go ahead then.

  • majority rule
  • lack of response
  • authority rule
  • consensus
  • minority rule

Question 13: What Decision-Making concept is reflected in the popular adage, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again?"

  • Intuition
  • Escalating commitment
  • Bounded rationality
  • Non-programmed Decision-Making
  • Satisficing

Question 14: The __________ model views decision makers as acting in a world of complete certainty.

  • behavioral decision
  • true decision
  • cognitive decision
  • classical decision
  • aesthetic decision

Question 15: The first step in the rational decision model is _______________.

  • choosing a preferred course of action
  • recognizing and defining the problem or opportunity
  • identifying the alternative courses of action
  • evaluating the results
  • implementing the preferred course of action

Question 16: A decision maker holds a meeting to get everyone's agreement on a system for deciding how to make a lunch schedule. This is an example of a(n) _________ decision method.

  • groupthink
  • authority
  • consultative
  • team
  • minority

Question 17: __________, or the use of one's intellect, is important in all aspects of Decision-Making.

  • Intuition
  • Attitudinal formation
  • Judgment
  • Perceiving
  • Sensing

Question 18: The process of choosing a course of action for dealing with a problem or opportunity is __________.

  • selection making
  • decision shaping
  • decision-making
  • judgment resolution
  • judgment generation

Question 19: __________ is a superficial and often temporary form of conflict resolution that leaves the situation open to future conflict over similar issues.

  • Leniency
  • Suppression
  • Neglect
  • Avoidance
  • Tolerance

Question 20: __________ involves interpersonal difficulties that arise over feelings of anger, mistrust, dislike, fear, resentment, and the like.

  • Substantive conflict
  • Emotional conflict
  • Indigenous conflict
  • Rational conflict
  • Impulsive conflict

Question 21: __________ conflicts occur when the communication of task expectations is unclear or upsetting in some way, such as a team member receiving different expectations from the leader and other members.

  • Vertical
  • Horizontal
  • Line-staff
  • Task
  • Role ambiguity

Question 22: __________ goals deal with outcomes that relate to the "content" issues under negotiation.

  • Relationship
  • Substance
  • Object
  • Discretionary
  • Material

Question 23: __________ occurs when a formal authority simply dictates a solution and specifies what is gained and what is lost by whom.

  • Competition
  • Avoidance
  • Collaboration
  • Authoritative command
  • Compromise

Question 24: __________ negotiation focuses on the merits of the issues, and the parties involved try to enlarge the available pie rather than stake claims to certain portions of it.

  • Integrative
  • Distributive
  • Good-faith
  • Consolidating
  • Process

Question 25: __________ distributive negotiation takes place when one party is willing to make concessions to the other to get things over with.

  • Indirect
  • Hard distributive
  • Direct distributive
  • Integrative
  • Soft distributive

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Finance Basics: Qestion 1 members of can solve problems with a positive
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