
q1 throughout voltage clamp analysis when an

Q1. Throughout voltage clamp analysis when an electrode is fully submerged in a bath that is very deep, it becomes much harder to adequately compensate for electrode capacitance.

A. How do you describe this?

B. Assume you applied a layer of wax to the outside of the electrode so that all but the tip was coated. How would this affect the capacitance of the electrode? (Look up how capacitance relates to the composition and geometry of the capacitor.) Would this make balancing the bridge easier or harder?

Q2. Calcium levels in Mr. Gallariani's blood are dropping to dangerously low levels. The hormone PTH is released and shortly blood calcium levels begin to rise. Shortly after, PTH release slows. Is this an instance of a positive or negative feedback mechanisms? What is the initial stimulus? What is the result?

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Biology: q1 throughout voltage clamp analysis when an
Reference No:- TGS0447830

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