Q1. This organization pattern is used in persuasive speeches when the main points are the particular reasons for believing a particular fact, holding a particular value or advocating a particular plan.
Q2. • What is your perception concerning the breadth of the FDA's responsibility?
• Has your perception of the FDA changed as a result of your reading and knowledge of its history and, if so, how?
Write an essay on Herodotus with attention to the following subjects: (a) the three phases of his development as an historian; (b) his attitudes towards both Greek and non-Greek peoples (especially the Persians); and (c) the nature and progress of Persian imperialism, especially with reference to the operation of hybris. Your essay should end up putting the so-called "Persian Wars" (including, for example, the battles at Marathon and at Thermopylae) into some kind of historiographical framework from the author Herodotus's perspective.