Q1. Let us consider a three-phase, balanced, Y-connected source with Vab=400 30∠V rms and 50 Hz. This source supplies the following three loads (i.e. Load-1, Load-2 and Load-3). For this source, calculate the total complex power, total current drawn and the total power factor.
Load-1: three-phase, balanced, Y-connected load with an impedance of (1+ j 6) ohm per phase,
Load-2: three-phase, balanced, Y-connected load with a total three-phase power consumption of 4 kVA at 0.7 PF lagging,
Load-3: three-phase, balanced, Y-connected load with a current consumption of 10 ∠-25o A rms in phase-a,
Q2. For the two-port network given below, calculate the Z, Y, H and T matrices.
Note: First KVLs and KCLs should be written. Then using the main equations on how the Z, Y, H and T matrices are defined, their parameters should be calculated from the KVLs and KCLs.