Q1. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Disease Genetic engineering EIA Decision making Nutrition Risk assessment Galapagos Antarctica Decision making: Delphi trying to get a range of opinionsanonymousavoid group think Ngtyou have a leader and face to face discussions Decision analyst Direct transmissionlife cycle of parasite occurs with 1 host (chicken flu) Indirectlife cycle of parasite occurs with 2 or more host Social parasitismcowbirds and cowsits a different form of parasitism (behavioral) Additive riskdont need to know Ectoparasite Endo Macro Microparasite viruses, bacteria, protozoa DNA fingerprinting: used in criminology, using the DNA to sequence and identify DNA transcription: See slide with diagram. DNA transcribed to MRNA. Where does PCR fit into the slide?
Q2. Thermal Psychro-, meso-, thermo-, hyperthermophilic bacteria/archaea -10C (Antarctic ice, permafrost in Siberia and Canada) Colwellia spp, Psychrobacter spp +110C (deep sea hydrothermal vents, hot springs) Pyrococcus spp, Methanococcus spp >300 sequenced genomes Simplest eukaryotes: up to ~60C (nematode from hot springs) ` Cold-blooded animals: Notothenia spp. Antarctic fish: -1.8C habitat, dies of overheating at +6C = 40F Desert iguana: up to +60C Very few complete genomes! Is habitat temperature reflected in the genomes? What is presumably connected to thermostability?