
q1 explain both resource base view rbv theory

Q1: Explain both "Resource Base View (RBV) theory versus Positioning theory" and differences between both by providing examples and how RBV can help organization with sustainable competitive advantage.

1. Resource Base View Theory

· For understanding of the resource-base view (RBV) of the firm, an early much cited paper is by Jay Barney: ‘ Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage'. Journal of Management. Vol 17 (1991). Pp. 99-120. For review of the development of RBV and evidence of its explanatory power see:Scott Newbert. ‘Empirical research on the Resource Base iew of the firm: an assessment and suggestion for future research. Strategic Management Journal. Vo. 28 (2007) pp. 121-46

· The concept of Resource Base Strategy was introduced by B. Wernerfelt (1984) - ‘A resource-base view of the firm Strategic Management Journal, vol 5, no. 2, pp 171-80. A much cited paper is by Jay Barney: ‘Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage'/ Journal of management, vol 17 (1991), no. 1. Pp. 99-120.

· Other like D, Hoopes, T.Madsen and G. Walker explain an summarise the RBV approach.

· J. Barney and D. Clark - Why is there a resource base view?. Resource base theory,: Creating and sustaining Competitive Advantage. Oxford University Press. 2007

· 1950s to 1980s by Andres, Ansoff & especially Porter (1980, 1985).

Q2: Outline the main concept related to Corporate level strategy and how its distinguish from Business level strategy (talk about Corporate 70% vs 30 Business level strategy).

Notes to Q2:

1. Corporate Level Strategy (refer to unit 7 slides):

a. Is concern wih the overall scope of an organization and how value is added to the constituent business of the organizational whole. Coperate level strategy issues include geographical scope, diversity of products or services, acquisitions of new business, and how resources are allocated between the different elements of the organization.

2. Business Strategy (refer to Unit 6 slides):

a. There are strategic choices in terms of how the organization seeks to compete at the individual business level. Typically these choices involve strategies based on cost (for example, economies of scale) or differentiation (for example , superior quality). Crucial is decising how is to win against competitors (for this reason, business strategy is sometines called ‘competitive advantage').

Q3: Identifying the emergent and deliberate strategy. Discuss the streangth of both, explain the issues involve and how It can related to organization business environment.

1. Using both strategies in business is considered the best.

2. Honda example, when introducing the bikes in US market.

3. Emergent strategy: a strategy that develops as a result of a series of decisions, in a pattern that becomes clear over time, rather than as deliberate result of a grand plan.

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