
q1 archeologist discovers skeletal remains of

Q1. Archeologist discovers skeletal remains of humanlike animals in Ethiopia. Examination of bones suggests that the remains represent four types of individuals. Two of skeletons have bone densities 30 percent less than those of the other two skeletons. The skeletons with the lower bone mass also have broader front pelvic bones. Within the two groups define by the bone mass, smaller skeletons have bones with evidence of epiphyseal plates, but larger bones have only a thin line where the epiphyseal plates should be. Give the age group and gender of the individuals in this find.

Q2. In foxes, two alleles of a single gene, P and p, may result in lethality (PP), platinum coat (Pp), or silver coat (pp). What ratio is obtained while platinum foxes are interbred?

Is P allele behaving dominantly or recessively in causing

(a) lethality;
(b) platinum coat colour?

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Biology: q1 archeologist discovers skeletal remains of
Reference No:- TGS0448647

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