
q1 after doing some research discuss what you

Q1: After doing some research discuss what you believe is the most prevalent or important reason birds do not fly at the speed that allows for the lowest energy cost.

Q2: Why should we not assume that feathers evolved for flight even though that is their function now?

Q3: After doing some research discuss what you believe is the most prevalent or important reason birds do not fly at the speed that allows for the lowest energy cost.

Discussion 3: Q1

As human populations continue to grow they are continuing to expand into previously unsettled/ undeveloped areas. What potential environmental impacts might this cause on non-human populations? If you were in charge of designing a plan that would allow for expansion, while conserving the needs of the environment what would be your plan?

Discussion 3: Q2

Growth of human populations has the potential to produce extreme stress on the environment. Identify some cases of this stress. What role should developed countries play in the current demographic transition of developing countries?

Discussion 3: Q3

How is natural selection related to the concept of "niche"?

Discussion 3: Q4

What trophic level (producers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores) is the most energetically efficient? How might environmental conditions influence transfer of energy?

Discussion 3: Q5

Don't like any of these questions? Ask one of your own, and then answer it.Note that your question should be substantive, just like your answer, and the question should be in a format that invites further discussion. Avoid questions like "Why are kittens cute?" or "Are sharks vicious?"

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Biology: q1 after doing some research discuss what you
Reference No:- TGS0497451

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