
q1 a sixty eight year old caucasian man was

Q1. A sixty eight year old Caucasian man was diagnosed with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) and received various regimens of chemotherapy. As a patient with chronic leukaemia he attended the CLL clinic frequently.

Ten years later patient presented with pneumonia symptoms and was examined by chest CT scan.

The results were suggestive of a certain condition and extra laboratory tests (sputum) were carried out.

The patient was not neutropaenic, and hence his condition improved next an 8-month course of medications for six months

Q2. Using a coin, draw ten circles in the space below. Space the circle randomly. Label each of the circles with the name of one of the ten organisms that follow. Make use of all then names, so that each circle has just one name in it and no two circles contain the same name. Label the circles so that organisms with similar eating habits are not located close together. Use these names: plum tree, rice plant, squirrel, beetle, mouse, bird, cat, owl, and human. Represent an arrow pointing away from each circle that represents food for another circle - and point the arrow towards the "eater's" circle. Some circles will have several arrows pointing towards hem and away from them. Illustrate an X in the circle labelled beetle. The X means that population has been removed from the community. Put a small x over each arrow that points away from the beetle circle.

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Biology: q1 a sixty eight year old caucasian man was
Reference No:- TGS0447700

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