
q1 a double pipe heat exchanger is to be designed

Q1. A double pipe heat exchanger is to be designed to cool 5 gallons per minute (gpm) of hot oil from 250°F to 120°F using 10 gpm of cooling water available at 70°F. The heat exchanger is to consist of 12-foot sections of ¾"-16 gauge copper tubing inside a 1 ½"-16 gauge copper tube with water flowing in annular space. How various sections are required if the flow is: (a) Concurrent; (b) Counter current?

Q2. Which Byzantine emperor had the most impact on the design of architecture of this culture? Where did he live and what modern day region does that city now belong to?

Q3. CDA rules of a psu are applicable only to officers. Staff union has not agreed for cda rules. Management intend to enforce cda rules for staff also. What is the process for enforcing the same?

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Reference No:- TGS0449036

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